visitor|visitors|visitress|visitresses in English


['vis·i·tor || 'vɪzɪtə(r)]

one who visits; guest; migrating bird

Use "visitor|visitors|visitress|visitresses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "visitor|visitors|visitress|visitresses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "visitor|visitors|visitress|visitresses", or refer to the context using the word "visitor|visitors|visitress|visitresses" in the English Dictionary.

1. The civic visitors were given an extensive tour of the showroom, factory, visitor centre and museum.

2. 80 percent of those visitors actually reached their goals and were absolutely satisfied. " (Source: visitor survey by forschungplus).

3. Visitors can access the beach from the Campground, explore wildlife along a freshwater lagoon, and enjoy the Visitor Center

4. Each Hotel or Motel $100.00 Boarding House $60.00 Private Home Providing Accommodation for Up to Four Visitors $13.00 Visitor Service Bureau

5. Hotel or Motel $100.00 Boarding House $60.00 Private Home Providing Accommodation for Up to Four Visitors for Gain or Profit $13.00 Visitor Service Bureau

6. The New England Aquarium is one of the premier visitor attractions in Boston, with over 1.3 million visitors a year, and a major public education resource.

7. Collaborating visitors may only be on-site if they are included as part of an approved research return plan and have gone through the Collaborating visitor process

8. You have a visitor.

9. Acyclic Visitor (v1.0) Robert C

10. The visitor bowed in assent .

11. 9 The visitor wants in.

12. Alerter is LiveHelpNow operator console and notification utility which alerts Operators of an incoming chat session, visitors waiting for response, new visitor arrival, new or updated tickets and operator messages

13. Clatteringshaws Visitor Centre & Cafe

14. Adrip Frequent Visitor View All

15. The gardens are a visitor attraction.

16. Regular winter visitor and passage migrant.

17. 29 He drove his visitor away.

18. 6 Terry greeted the visitor warmly .

19. 1 There's a visitor for you.

20. Consider becoming an Acate Site Visitor

21. Colombia offers a lot for the visitor

22. She would efface herself before her visitor.

23. 21 Parks Canada, Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site, Visitor Information Program, Rapport-ébauche (plaisanciers) 2002 and Rapport-ébauche (visiteurs des abords) 2002, Québec City, 2003 (Draft reports on pleasure boat and shoreside visitors).

24. He's engaged with a visitor just now.

25. The boy smiled bashfully at the visitor.